Direct mail is not dead! In fact, studies say 73 percent of people prefer getting direct mail and 57 percent make them feel valued. Opening your mailbox and discovering a personalized glossy, brightly colored card can be exciting. If the mailer spotlights products or services that meet the potential clients’ needs, 80 percent are more likely to read or scan the mailer before tossing it in the trash. Our crew at Brewer’s Print and Design will customize highly-effective and user-friendly advertising mailers that garners attention and long-term clients to your business.
The average consumer’s attention span is short, so constant product or service exposure on a variety of media platforms is critical. Despite the constant barrage of Facebook Ads and email spam, direct mail has long proven to be a viable, and most importantly, tangible marketing tool. With more people using social media, direct mail can make your business stand out. A personal touch can go a long way in peaking interest in a new doctor’s office, church congregation, tree/lawn service, etc. Constant product or service exposure on a variety of media platforms increases your brand awareness. Personalized emails, brochures, postcards, letters, and catalogs are wonderful assets we can create to your advantage.
Grab your audience with special features. Coupons are always a crowd pleaser because we all love a good deal! Add a scannable code that links to a promo video or client testimonials for digital Millennials and Generation Z. Plus, it makes a first-time buyer more comfortable giving your business a shot. Include a unique email or phone number to track your outreach effectiveness. This model is especially tried and true in targeting adults over 65 and the less tech savvy.
Another important component of direct mail outreach is location, location, location. Targeting the streets and neighborhood surrounding your office is a great way to alert the community of your close proximity. Many potential clients want to support their local businesses, plus it’s convenient. Get in touch with your local post office for a mass mail account at discounted rates and we will take care of the rest.
Timeliness is another key factor to consider. Spring and summer are the busiest times for construction and home repair. Christmas and Easter are major outreach holidays for religious services. For students, late summer and early fall means required health checkups. Being cognisant of the calendar and your clients’ current needs shows that extra attention to detail.
Brewer’s Print and Design is committed to producing the highest-quality and most-effective promotional material that makes you stand out from the competition. We encourage brainstorming sessions to develop strategies that work best for you. Let us help you make a memorable impression that values customer retention and maintains a high rate of interest.